Isnin, 26 April 2010

Coklat dgn message Happy Birthday!

This was ordered by Mai of Dungun...

Oder by Kak Noriah, softbox 24 pcs with msg..

Yg ni softbox 12 pcs- love marble & pink rose...

Tq Mai & Kak Noriah for your orders!... Come again ya...

Rabu, 21 April 2010

Special msg

Special gift to someone....

TQ kak noriah for this order....

Rabu, 14 April 2010

Chocolate Gift

Order utk someone special.....

Macam famous je nama tuuu.....
Yg main badminton tu kahh??

Lupa nk tanya plak... anyway TQ kak noriah for this order...

2pcs choc in cavity box

Tempahan drp Mai utk org jauh nun di Kelantan... bentuk ros & love

Love marble....


3 colour love marble...

2 colour roses...

Semuanya 55 box cavity, terima kasih ye...

Diharap penerima berpuas hati dgn penghantaran by postlaju ni.

Jumaat, 9 April 2010

Tempahan harijadi

Tempahan dari kak Aliah utk harijadi ibunya....

50 pcs mix choc

10 sets Golden box
Ok kak tq very much for your 2nd order with us.... pls come again!!

Selasa, 6 April 2010

Mix choc in a golden box

Ni order dari adik2 student U...

Hopefuly semua happy dgn odernyer... tq...

2pcs choc in cavity box

Kami terima 2 tempahan daripada customer utk dijadikan doorgift majlis.

2pcs love...... tempahan dari student collage...

Yang ni order dari kak Siti utk gift perkahwinan adiknya.

Terima kasih diatas tempahan anda berdua... sila dtg lagi....